A life with several dimensions
Born in Paris in the year 1958, Edouard Vitrant studied there until 1981, in which year he graduated from the Ecole Camondo with a degree in Interior and Product Design.
From 1982 to 1985, he worked for several studios of architecture or interior design, notably the studio of interior design of Le Printemps and the studio of Jacqueline & Henri Boiffils.
From 1985 on, he worked as a freelance designer and designed pieces of furniture, lighting, tableware or carpets. His works have been accepted at such houses and brand names as Atelier SEDAP, Baccarat, Mégalit, Protis, and Taï Ping Carpets.
Creating is not aware of frontiers. Edouard Vitrant will go on exploring the fields he is fond of: drawing, painting, illustration, comic strip (L'étroit mousquetaire, 1994-1996).
In 1998, he widens his abilities in graphic design. He then worked for the studios of Trait pour Trait and Elixir.
The turn of the millenium leads him to deals with the 4th dimension, time and its representation (see the Time design page).
In 2013, he launches the Projet Oïkia, low cost passive house construction programme, using recycled shipping containers. Because reducing the costs must be achieved without reducing the performance. Because protecting the environment is not a luxury.
Since 2010, he has kept the Journal d’un citoyen (Diary of a citizen), the first part of which, Le Marchand de masques, and the second part of which, Textîles, have been published.